No, I'm not going to post about 101 different uses for tweezers, although I'm sure there are that many. I'll just post about one.
This afternoon, like every afternoon, Emmy went down for a nap. However, nap she did not. She came out once cause she wanted (well needed) a bum change. She came out once cause she was done napping...I of course sent her back. On her third strike, she announced she wanted to cuddle. This being Dan's first day back at work since the holidays, I humoured her. As I pulled her up on my lap I noticed something odd in her nose. I thought perhaps it was some "yuckies". Nope it wasn't. I thought you have to be kidding me, so I laid her on the bed, took out the tweezers to see if I could get the "foreign" object out. I was able to (without harming her), out comes a twisted-up page out of her book. GROSS. I checked out her room. She had a few books on her bed and had ripped out some pages. Some of those having found their way up her nose. All I have to say is thank you for tweezers and thank goodness I didn't have to bring her to the E.R. this time (see post about raisins up the nose).
No, I'm not going to post about 101 different uses for tweezers, although I'm sure there are that many. I'll just post about one.
This afternoon, like every afternoon, Emmy went down for a nap. However, nap she did not. She came out once cause she wanted (well needed) a bum change. She came out once cause she was done napping...I of course sent her back. On her third strike, she announced she wanted to cuddle. This being Dan's first day back at work since the holidays, I humoured her. As I pulled her up on my lap I noticed something odd in her nose. I thought perhaps it was some "yuckies". Nope it wasn't. I thought you have to be kidding me, so I laid her on the bed, took out the tweezers to see if I could get the "foreign" object out. I was able to (without harming her), out comes a twisted-up page out of her book. GROSS. I checked out her room. She had a few books on her bed and had ripped out some pages. Some of those having found their way up her nose. All I have to say is thank you for tweezers and thank goodness I didn't have to bring her to the E.R. this time (see post about raisins up the nose).
Uhhh gross! That must have been a hard job to do. Glad you didn't have to take her to the ER. Hope you guys are doing well. Sorry again about the church.
Brenda, at 4:34 PM
Kids are awesome! Things up Micah's nose these days include his pointer finger, his pinky finger and even occasionally his ring finger. It's beautiful. My favorite is when he announces "Oh Look, a BOOGER! I'm going to EAT IT!" Ahh...boys. :)
Anonymous, at 6:22 PM
HAHAHA.....AGAIN?!?! That's hilarious. I wonder how many other things she's shoved up there that you just don't know about yet:)
Mommy of Four, at 7:21 PM
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