Adventures of my life

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

So time for another update.

Praise God! Dan was finally offered a full-time PERMANENT teaching position yesterday. He'll be teaching mostly math (his field) and a few other courses that may stretch him (history and english). His interview was yesterday at 1:30 and he was offered the job by 2:30. We are pretty excited. However, quite stressed all at the same time. The job is in Kapuskasing which is about 8 hours north of here. Dan will leave on Monday to be ready for the first day of school on Tuesday. I will move in with my parents for the month of september (until we can secure a house and I can move up). Also, having just had a c-section, I shouldn't go on a major trip (or move) for another 4.5 weeks. I'm dreading the time of seperation. My heart breaks when I think of Dan missing the first month of Violet's life and the effects of not having her dad around will have on Emma-Rose. It will be a difficult time, but the end result will be worth it in the end.

Violet-Grace is doing pretty well. She's finally started to gain weight. Hooray! She hasn't been able to latch on (the nurse thinks it's because she was too early) so I've been expressing milk and Dan and I take turns feeding her with a syringe. Her jaundice is clearing up (another hooray!), so soon it will be time to make the transition to her solely breastfeeding (again Hooray!). Emma-Rose loves her little sister and is really adjusting well to the change.


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