Adventures of my life

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Violet-Grace in her dedication outfit (mine when i was a baby). Below a picture of the sisters.

This is my house! Yeah! We get possession tomorrow! The girls and I will move up on SAturday. We have a huge yard somwhere between a 1/4 and 1/2 an acre. Lots to do, won't be back online for a week or two while waiting for the new internet connection, will post more about the move and house then!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My Very Own House!

Just very excited to announce that we are putting an offer on a house today. My aunt and uncle went around Kap on the weekend looking at houses with a real estate agent. They narrowed it down to what my aunt thinks is the perfect house for us (once we have it decorated and set up the way I want). Dan went with the agent last night to look at it and 3 other options. Then he called me, I went over pictures and the fine details about each house (I never realized just how detailed my husband can be) and we chose which house we would put an offer on. I really thought I would struggle with not being able to see the house before we bought it, but in all of this I've had such a peace. Peace that passes all understanding. Cause it's not my nature to be so laid back about things, and I would think especially not buying our first house. I like to be in control. However, I'm also learning that things are better when I let HIM be in control. Will post pictures when our offer has been accepted.